/ Altromercato 2024
The Project_
We created the 2024 flagship TV spot for the Altromercato brand, an emotionally-driven piece produced entirely in CGI. It takes us through the world of chocolate, revealing the story behind its production. The spot speaks to conscious consumers who choose a product that benefits both themselves and the producers. This message is symbolized by domino pieces shaped like chocolate bars that fall, leaving only one standing—the piece of conscious choice, the one that truly makes a difference.
/ pieces of CGI
This project was crafted using a variety of techniques. Beginning with research into the raw materials of chocolate and the process of making chocolate bars, we recreated the chocolate material in Substance Painter, utilizing the SBAR workflow integrated with Redshift and Cinema4D. Fluid and rigid body simulations were then produced using both C4D and Xparticles.
/Comp Grading and Color
All compositing was completed in After Effects with meticulous 3D AOV work, utilizing the latest possibilities these software offer. The entire production was developed within an ACES workflow, enabling us to fine-tune even the smallest details.
/ the Choko research
finding the right chocolate_
/ How we work inside C4D